Patient-Centered Care
Find a list of our Patient-Centered Care Resources below:
Joint Commission Patient Safety
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) – Click here for Link
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USAAn Always Events® is a clear, action-oriented, and pervasive practice or set of behaviors that provide the following:
A foundation for partnering with patients and their families;
Actions that will ensure optimal patient experience and improved outcomes; and
A unifying force for all that demonstrates an ongoing commitment to person- and family-centered care.
Always Events Getting Started Kit

Karen Curtiss founded Campaign Zero in 2005 and became her way to transform her family’s tragedies into better outcomes for others. She is building a national network of CampaignZERO speakers who offer community workshops. Purpose: to foster collaboration among patients, their advocates, and the health care team. They believe this will result in better quality care and support for medical staff, especially nurses who serve on the front line in every hospital.
3 main goals :
Prevent harm and death caused by preventable medical errors
Help lower the costs of health care for all, and
Help shift attitudes toward problem-solving and away from litigation.
An organization that uses “Tangible Tools for Patient & Family Engagement”. Home of the book, Safe & Sound in the Hospital: Must-Have Checklists and Tools for Your Loved One’s Care by Karen Curtiss, founder of CampaignZero.
A disconnected understanding of the patient and appropriate care pathway has a devastating impact in both lives and costs. Saving lives and helping to prevent the more than 200,000 preventable patient deaths each year can largely be addressed by connecting the dots between current processes and procedures and proven solutions that are available today. By bringing the medical technologies and IT infrastructure together with relevant information, intelligent and predictive algorithms, and decision support that facilitate the process of care improvements, physicians and patients could be informed of dangerous trends, lives could be saved, and costs could be dramatically reduced. Getting to ZERO will take all of us working together – clinicians, administrators, medical technology companies, payers, government, and patients.
We created the Patient Safety Movement Foundation to aggressively address this problem. The Foundation is breaking down the silos between hospitals, medical technology companies, doctors, engineers and families of patients who have died needlessly. The mission of the Patient Safety Movement Foundation is to do the following:
Unify the healthcare ecosystem
Identify the challenges that are killing patients to create actionable solutions
Ask hospitals to implement Actionable Patient Safety Solutions
Promote transparency
Ask med-tech companies to share the data their devices generate in order to create a Patient Data Super Highway to help identify at-risk patients
Correct misaligned incentives
Promote love and patient dignity
About: The Institute provides consultation, training, and technical assistance to hospitals, clinical practices, educational institutions, architecture firms, community organizations, and agencies at state, provincial, and federal levels. Listed below are some of the services the Institute would be pleased to provide to programs and organizations interested in patient- and family-centered change.
Patient/Family Engagement featuring the Malizzo’s: Meet the Malizzos
About: They shared their story at the QualityNet 2011 Conference in Baltimore, MD on December 13, 2011 to an audience of thousands of CMS contractors working to make health care safer in the United States. They hope it will inspire others to become more patient-centered and to focus on health care improvement.
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
An online resource from AHRQ, features the Guide to Patient and Family Engagement in Hospital Safety and Quality.
The Guide outline concrete opportunities to engage patients and families in individual care and at an organizational level. The purpose is to help patients, families, and health professionals work together as partners to promote improvements in care.
AHRQ Webinar PowerPoint and transcript: Patient- and Family-Centered Care for Adults with Chronic Conditions
Learn how healthcare providers and patients and families can work together to effect safer deliver of care, help realize better expected medical outcomes, reduce risk and liability, reduce medical costs and advance an authentic culture of safety throughout the U.S.
Victoria Nahum is Executive Director of Safe Care Campaign, created in 2006 after the death of her stepson, Joshua. Safe Care Campaign works with healthcare providers, engaging them to work together in a concerted effort to prevent infections and all-cause harm.

Rosemary Gibson, National leader in healthcare and quality and safety
Rosemary Gibson is an author, speaker, and national leader in U.S. health care. She is the principal author with Janardan Prasad Singh of The Battle Over Health Care: What Obama’s Reform Means for America’s Future, a non-partisan analysis of the reform and what it means for America and its future. As Senior Program Officer at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in Princeton, New Jersey for sixteen years, Rosemary was the chief architect of its $200 million national strategies to establish palliative care in the mainstream of the U.S. health care system. Now, more than 1400 hospitals have palliative care programs, an increase from about 10 in the 1990s.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Lessons Learned
Case Studies
Resource Guide
Best Practices in Patient Experience: Lessons From RWJF
Quality Field Notes From the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
New resources from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation explore key learnings from Aligning Forces for Quality on how health care providers can implement patient experience surveys to better deliver patient-centered care.
The National Institutes of Health has found that treatment adherence rates were 2.6 times higher among patients who felt their doctors had a holistic view of their health and lifestyle.
Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence
Partnering to Improve Quality and Safety: A Framework for working with Patient and Family Advisors
Consumers Advancing Patient Safety (CAPS)
CAPS is a nonprofit organization that acts as a voice for individuals, families and healthcare providers concerned with preventing harm in health care settings through means of collaboration and partnership.
Patient Safety America
Patient Safety America is an organization dedicated to educating patients and their care providers about new developments in patient safety. Through monthly newsletters, we use expert opinions, book reviews, and peer-reviewed studies published in major medical journals to increase awareness and knowledge about safe care. In general, we focus on the following:
Genuine informed consent and patient-centered care
Mitigation of diagnostic errors
Inappropriate prescribing of drugs
Inadequate regulation of drugs and devices
Lack of transparency in the medical industry
Patient involvement at all levels of healthcare from policy to person
Replacing the fee-for-service system
Improving the care environment for nurses and physicians
Grossly inequitable access to quality care
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
IHI has released new videos titled, “What Is Motivational Interviewing?”. The videos are geared towards clinicians and explaining the different roles each must take in situations that their patients must make the ultimate decisions. Through watching the video, clinicians should be able to explain three roles clinical they play in health care situations and to discuss the importance of acting as guides for the patients.