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Academic Practice Partnerships


Academic Practice Partnerships–Focusing on Quality and Safety

Academic Practice Partnerships Web Resources

American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)
Resources to Develop and Sustain an Academic-Practice Partnership

These resources were developed through the initiatives of the 2011-2016 AACN-AONE Academic-Practice Partnership Steering Committee and can be found at:

  • Guiding Principles

    • The Institute of Medicine (2010) report, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health frames these guiding principles and serves as a platform for all strategies to build and sustain academic-practice partnerships.


  • Implementation Tool Kit

    • This tool kit is designed to facilitate the development, growth, and evaluation of academic-practice partnerships as a fundamental condition to advance nursing practice and improve the quality of care and enhance patient outcomes. In addition to exemplars, resources were created to guide you from start to finish in developing a partnership.


  • Partnership Expectation and Outcome Matrix

    • These links contain the partnerships expectations and outcome matrixes. The matrix is designed to facilitate robust and effective academic-practice partnerships by providing a method to 1) establish partnership goals 2) identify action steps for implementation and 3) specify expected outcomes and their timeframe. A blank worksheet, sample document and multiple exemplars are posted for reference.

      • Academic-Practice Partnerships Partnership Expectation and Outcome Metrics Worksheet sample at:

  • Academic-Practice Partnerships Partnership Expectation and Outcome Metrics Worksheet sample at:


  • What an Exemplar Partnership Looks Like

    • Exemplary Academic-Practice Partnership Award


  • Call for Nominations


On-Demand Webinars: This webinar series highlights outstanding examples of interprofessional engagement happening across the nation in response to recommendations contained in the groundbreaking report on Advancing Healthcare Transformation: A New Era for Academic Nursing.

View past webinars hosted by the Academic-Practice Partnership Initiative.

Online Discussion: Designed for both academic and practice representatives, this online collaboration community provides a forum to share information and resources, learn about innovative partnerships, discuss ways to measure success, connect with potential partners in your region and network with peers.

Graduate and Certificate Programs in Quality and Safety:

Capella University

Minneapolis, Minnesota▼

Drexel University

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania*▼

Franklin University

Columbus, Ohio▼

George Washington University

Washington, DC▼

Georgetown University

Washington, DC▼

Jacksonville University

Jacksonville, FL♦

Johns Hopkins University.

Baltimore, MD▼

Mary Baldwin University

Staunton, Virginia▼

Maryville University

Saint Louis, Missouri▼

MidAmerica Nazarene University

Olathe, Kansas*▼

Northwestern University

Chicago, IL ▼♦

Nova Southeastern University

Fort Lauderdale, Florida▼

Regis University

Denver, Colorado ♦

Sam Houston State University

Huntsville, TX ▼

Southern New Hampshire University

Manchester, NH*♦

Thomas Jefferson University

Philadelphia, PA▼

University of Alabama

Birmingham, AL▼

University of Illinois Chicago​

Chicago, Illinois▼

University of Southern Maine

Portland, ME▼

Western Governors University

Salt Lake City, Utah▼

​*Graduate Program in Nursing

▼Graduate Program – Interdisciplinary

♦ Certificate Program

Technology Resources:

A New Era for Academic Nursing Webinar Series

This webinar series highlights outstanding examples of interprofessional engagement happening across the nation in response to recommendations contained in the groundbreaking report on Advancing Healthcare Transformation: A New Era for Academic Nursing.

A New Era for Academic Nursing: From Concept to Action

Advancing Healthcare Transformation: The New Era Award – A Focus on Faculty Practice

Getting Beyond Engagement: The Marriage of Education and Practice

Linking to Improve Nursing Knowledge

How an Innovative Academic-Practice Partnership is Improving Patient Outcomes


AACN (2018). AACN and AONE Join Forces to Advance New Models of Care and Address Nursing Workforce Issues

American Association of Colleges in Nursing. White Paper: Re-Envisioning the Clinical Education of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses.

Date: 2015Date accessed: March 7, 2019

American Association of Colleges of Nursing. AACN’s Vision for Academic Nursing White Paper.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2019) AACN-AONE Academic Practice Partnership Toolkit.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Advancing Healthcare Transformation: A New Era for Academic Nursing. 2016;

Amirehsani, K.A. Kennedy-Malone, L., Alam, M.T.(2019) “Supporting Preceptors and

Strengthening Academic-Practice Partnerships: Preceptors’ Perceptions” The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, September Vol. 15, No. 8, Pages e151–e156

Beal, J.A., Alt-White, A., Erickson, J., Everett, L., Fleshner, I., Karshmer, J., Swider, S., Gasle,S., Academic Practice Partnerships: A National Dialogue Journal of Professional

Nursing Vol 28, # 6, November–December 2012, Pages 327-332

Beal, J. A. &Zimmermann, D. (2019) Academic-Practice Partnerships: Update on the National Initiative, JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration: December Vol 49 -#12 – p 577–579

doi: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000000817

Bender, M., Baker, P., Harris, J., Hites, L., LaPointe, R., Murphy, E.A., Roussel, L., Spiva, L.A., Stanley, L. Thomas, P., Williams, M. (2019)“Advancing the clinical nurse leader

model through academic-practice-policy partnership” Nursing Outlook, Vol. 67, Issue 4, p345–353Published online: February 16, 2019July–August, 2019Volume 67, Issue 4,

Pages 345–353

Berte, C.M. Each one, teach one. (2016) J Nurse Pract. 2016;12:e397–e398

Clark, C.A., Kent, K.A., Riesner, S.A. (2018) A new approach for solving an old problem in nurse practitioner clinical education. J Nurse Pract. 2018;14:e69–e75

Didion J, Kozy MA, Koffel C, Oneail K. (2013). Academic/Clinical partnership and collaboration in Quality and Safety Education for Nurses education. J Prof Nurs. 2013

Mar-Apr;29(2):88-94. doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2012.12.004.

DeBourgh, G.A. (2011). Synergy for Patient Safety and Quality: Academic and Service Partnerships to Promote Effective Nurse Education and Clinical Practice.

J Prof Nurs. 2012 Jan-Feb;28(1):48-61. doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2011.06.003.

Flores, D., Hickenlooper, G., Saxton, R., (September 30, 2013) “An Academic Practice Partnership: Helping New Registered Nurses to Advance Quality and Patient Safety” OJIN: The Online Journal

of Issues in Nursing Vol. 18, No. 3, Manuscript 3. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol18No03Man03

Gale, S. A., Beal, J. A. (August 2013) “Building Academic-Practice Partnerships: Sharing Best Practices” Nurse Leader Volume 11, Issue 4, Pages 21–24.

Institute of Medicine (2010). The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

Koffel, C; Burke, K.G., McGuinn,K., Miltner, R. S. Integration of Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Into Practice Academic-Practice Partnership’s Role. Nurse Educator: September/October 2017 – Volume 42 – Issue 5S – p S49–S52 doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000424

Maryland Organization of Nurse Leaders. (2019). Press release. June 4, 2019.

Mertens, K, (2019) Past, Present, and Future AAACN Viewpoint Vol. 41, # 1, (Jan/Feb): 2,14.

Mulready-Shick , J., Kafel, K.W., Banister, G., & Mylott, L., (2009). Enhancing Quality and Safety Competency Development at the Unit Level: An Initial Evaluation of Student

Learning and Clinical Teaching on Dedicated Education Units. Journal of Nursing Education. 2009;48(12):716-719.

Newton, W.P., Brown, A. Community-Based Health Professions Education: Who Will Teach Our Students? A Report by the NC AHEC Program. North Carolina Area Health

Education Centers Program, Chapel Hill, NC; 2016

Date accessed: November 30, 2019

Roberts, M.E., Wheeler, K.J., Tyler, D.O., Padden, D.L. Precepting nurse practitioner students: a new view—results of two national surveys of nurse practitioner preceptors. J Am

Assoc Nurse Pract. 2017;29:484–491 DOI:

Shepard Battle, L. (2018) “Academic-practice partnerships and patient outcomes” Nursing Management. Vol 49 # 1 – p 34–40. doi: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000527717.13135.f4

Shinners, J., Franqueiro, T. The nursing professional development practitioner and preceptor Role development. J Nurses Prof Dev. 2017;33:45–46

Webb, J., Lopez, R.P., Guarino, A.J. Incentives and barriers to precepting nurse practitioner students. J Nurse Pract. 2015;11:782–789

Wright, P., Cranmer, J. N. (October/December 2018) “Leveraging Graduate Academic-Practice Partnerships to Transform Health System Outcomes” Nursing Administration

Quarterly: October/December 2018 – Volume 42 – Issue 4 – p 324–330. doi: 10.1097/NAQ.0000000000000311

Poster Presentations

Goodin, J., Schwyter, D., Kroger-Jarvis, M.(2019)Facilitating Role Development of Novice Clinical Instructors in Dedicated Education Units Through Mentoring” presented at

45th Biennial Sigma Theta Tau Convention 2019 Theme: Connect. Collaborate. Catalyze.

Goodin, J. M., & Schwytzer, D. J. (2019.). “Building Practice Partnerships: Facilitating Role Development of Novice Clinical Instructors in Dedicated Education Units”. 45th Biennial

Sigma Theta Tau Convention 2019 Theme: Connect. Collaborate. Catalyze.

Contact Information:

Judy Didion PhD, RNDean and Professor

Oakland University, School of Nursing

433 Meadow Brook RoadRochester, Michigan 48309-4452

248-364-8787248-364-8783 (fax)

Marianne P. Barba, MS, RN Adjunct Faculty

University of Rhode Island , College of Nursing

2 Dairy Farm DriveWest Warwick, RI 02893

Clinical Development Specialist Rhode Island Hospital

593 Eddy StreetProvidence, RI 029031-401-829-0716


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