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Faculty Learning Module 18


Embedding QSEN Competencies in Prelicensure Curricula: Fostering Continuous Improvement


This module explores how faculty can respond to the IOM’s challenge to create curricula that are adaptive enough to undergo continuous evaluation and improvement in response to changes in the field. But creating curricula that are more flexible and adaptive will require new ways of thinking about curricular design. This module explores new possibilities for curriculum and how using improvement processes can assist faculty accelerate their improvement work.


Upon completion of this section, you will be able to:

  • Explore ways to create curricula that readily adapt to changes in science technology, the needs of patients/families and the emerging healthcare system.

  • Examine how improvement processes can facilitate ongoing transformation in nursing education

  • Identify resources to support the continued transformation of nursing education to better prepare students to provide safe, quality care.

  • Pamela Ironside, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF


This module will explore innovative curricular models and how improvement processes can accelerate improvement in faculty’s efforts to embed QSEN competencies across prelicensure curricula.

Embedding QSEN Competencies in Prelicensure Curricula: Fostering Continuous Improvement

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality:

Diekelmann, N, & Diekelmann, J. (2009). Schooling learning teaching: Toward Narrative Pedagogy. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse Press.

Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Open School

Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare:

Nelson, E.C., Batalden, P.B., & Godfrey, M.M. (2007). Quality by design: A clinical Microsystems approach. San Francisco: Wiley and Sons, Inc.


After you have reviewed the module presentations and resources, consider how this material is relevant to your own work and experience. The following is a list of questions for self-reflection or for use in class.

  1. How can we use rapid-cycle change (PDSA cycles) to begin rapidly improving how QSEN competencies are embedded in our courses/curriculum?

  2. What resources or support do we currently need to help us transform our curriculum in ways that create different conversations with students and clinicians around quality and safety?

  3. What’s the first / next step we can take to move forward with our efforts to embed QSEN competencies in our curricula?


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