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Professional Organizations


Organization for Associate Degree Nursing

National Association for Healthcare Quality

Website: Click here

The National Association for Healthcare Quality (NAHQ) is a professional association of more than 6,000 members and 8,000 Certified Professionals in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ) dedicated to the advancement of the profession of healthcare quality. NAHQ offers certification, education, quality resources and information, career development tools, and more to professionals interested in the quality profession.

2015 Webinar Recording:

National Patient Safety Foundation

The National Patient Safety Foundation’s vision is to create a world where patients and those who care for them are free from harm. A central voice for patient safety since 1997, NPSF partners with patients and families, the health care community, and key stakeholders to advance patient safety and health care workforce safety and disseminate strategies to prevent harm. NPSF is an independent, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.


National Committee for Quality Assurance

The National Committee for Quality Assurance is a private, not-for-profit organization, dedicated to improving health care quality. Since its founding in 1990, NCQA has been a central figure in driving improvement throughout the health care system, helping to elevate the issue of health care quality to the top of the national agenda.

To read more and utilize their tools; visit their website:

American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing



Professional ambulatory care nursing is a complex, multifaceted specialty that encompasses independent and collaborative practice.

The comprehensive practice of ambulatory care nursing is built on a broad knowledge base of nursing and health sciences, and applies clinical expertise rooted in the nursing process.

  • Identify ambulatory care practice as a specialty that is essential to the continuum of accessible, high quality, and cost-effective health care.

  • Are committed to their professional development and the quality of patient care in an ambulatory care environment and seek to actively engage in a community of like-minded professionals.

  • Foster understanding and appreciation for the vital role of professional registered nurses as leaders, coordinators of patient care, and care providers in an ambulatory care setting.

Association for Nursing Professional Development

“We inspire our members to excel by providing educational services, networking, advocacy and research to support the unique needs of nursing professional development”.

The Association for Nursing Professional Development (ANPD) advances the specialty practice of nursing professional development for the enhancement of healthcare outcomes. Professional development as a specialty of nursing practice is defined by standards, based on research, and critical to quality patient and organizational outcomes.

ANPD is committed to providing research and resources that enhance our practice locally, in each of our organizations. As we integrate professional development best practice in achieving our organizations’ goals we truly enhance healthcare outcomes. As we focus on priorities, we enhance collaboration and provide valuable expertise in our organizations. We are providing hope.


ANPD is the thought leader and resources for nursing professional development.

ANPD supports QSEN though it’s QSEN Position Statement. The following reflects the position of ANPD:

  1. QSEN competencies are an integral component of academic education to prepare nurses for clinical practice.

  2. Newly licensed nurses should be taught about the alignment between the QSEN project and IOM initiatives during nurse residency programs.

  3. Preceptors who work with newly licensed nurses should be taught about the alignment between the QSEN project and IOM initiatives in order to effectively communicate with newly licensed nurses about quality and safety.

  4. All licensed nurses should receive ongoing education and assessment related to the IOM quality competencies.


AORN is a non-profit membership association based in Denver, Colorado that represents the interests of more than 160,000 perioperative nurses by providing nursing education, standards, and clinical practice resources – including the peer-reviewed, monthly publication AORN Journal


“To promote safety and optimal outcomes for patients undergoing operative and other invasive procedures by providing practice support and professional development opportunities to perioperative nurses. AORN will collaborate with professional and regulatory organizations, industry leaders, and other health care partners who support the mission”.


AORN will be the indispensable resource for evidence-based practice and education that establishes the standards of excellence in the delivery of perioperative nursing care.

PartnerHealth’s president, Karen Curtiss, transformed her family’s preventable tragedies from hospital care into Safe & Sound solutions….
Vision and Mission

Patients, their families, and all care providers are “on the same page” with Safe & Sound checklists and tools.

Their collaboration will ensure ….

Every patient receives safe and sound care

Every patient is fully supported in recovery at home.

American Interprofessional Health Collaborative

Website: Click Here


he American Interprofessional Health Collaborative transcends boundaries to transform learning, policies, practices, and scholarship towards an improved system of health and wellness for individual patients, communities, and populations. It believes educating those entrusted with the health of individuals, communities, and populations to value and respect each other’s unique expertise and skills and to work together is fundamental to care that is effective, safe, oh high quality and efficient in terms of cost, resources and time.

IHI Open School

  • Academy for Healthcare Improvement

  • AHRQ Patient Safety Network

  • American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)

  • AORN Patient Safety First – Resources

  • Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (AACN)

  • 5 Millon Lives Campaign (IHI)

  • Hallmarks of Quality and Patient Safety (AACN)

  • Institute for Family-Centered Care

  • JCAHO Patient Safety

  • Massachusetts Coalition for the Prevention of Medical Errors

  • Medication Safety Tools and Resources (Institute for Safe Medication Practices)

  • National Association for Healthcare Quality

  • National Committee for Quality Assurance

  • National League for Nursing

  • National Patient Safety Foundation

  • The NC Center for Hospital Quality and Patient Safety

  • Patient-Centered Care (IHI)

  • Patient Safety (IHI)

  • Picker Institute

  • Sigma Theta Tau International

  • Ten Patient Safety Tips for Hospitals (AHRQ)

  • Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform-The TIGER Initiative

  • Transforming Care at the Bedside (IHI and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)

  • VA National Center for Patient Safety



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