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Scholarship and Presentations



  1. Defining Undergraduate Quality and Safety Competency for the Primary Care Setting.

Rita Sfiligoj, DNP, RN, CCM, Case Western Reserve University Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Cleveland, OH


1. QSEN Competencies in a Nursing Pre-Licensure Primary Care Fellowship Program

Rebecca Mitchell, MSN, DNP, APRN, Research Associate, Case Western Reserve University Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Cleveland, OH

Mino Chough, Nursing Student, Case Western Reserve University Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Cleveland, OH

Chester Nguyen, Nursing Student, Case Western Reserve University Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Cleveland, OH

Dorothy Nurzynski, Nursing Student, Case Western Reserve University Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Cleveland, OH

Paula Ryu, Nursing Student, Case Western Reserve University Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Cleveland, OH

Mary Dolansky, PhD, RN, Case Western Reserve University Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Cleveland, OH


2. Critical Incident Debriefing Enhances Awareness and Application of QSEN Competencies in Pre-Licensure Nursing Students

David Foley, PhD, MSN, RN-BC, CNE, MPA, Assistant Professor and Director of Faculty Development, Case Western Reserve University Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Cleveland, Ohio

Catherine Mohney, MSN, RN, Instructor, Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Cynthia Danko, DNP, MSN, RN, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH


3. Critical Incident Debriefing Simulation Enhances Pre-Licensure Students’ Understanding of QSEN Competencies

David Foley, PhD, MSN, RN-BC, CNE, MPA, Assistant Professor and Director of Faculty Development, Case Western Reserve University Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Cleveland, OH

Catherine Mohney, MSN, RN, Instructor, Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Cynthia Danko, DNP, MSN, RN, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH


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Education Competencies

American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Link: Additional competencies as it relates to clinical...

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