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Student Resource Page

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A page dedicated to Quality and Safety from the Nursing Student Perspective. On this page you will find:

  • QStudent Blog –powered by undergraduate nursing students, providing weekly topics of interest. Join the conversation & comment on the posts!

  • Related Resources

  • News & Information in the Nursing Student world

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Leadership in Healthcare

What makes a good leader? Merriam-Webster defines a leader as “a person who leads.” This is a very broad definition, however that allows our minds to take control. In reality, anyone can become a lead

NINR Graduate Partnership Project

The National Institute of Nursing Research is accepting applications until December 1 for their 2016 Graduate Partnership Project. The DPP is a research training opportunity that combines academics wi

QStudent #7: Health Literacy

Did you know that twenty-two percent of American adults read below the proficiency level, as compared to the fourteen percent who are at or above ( Low literacy levels cost approximat

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