Strategy Submission
A Conceptual Model of QSEN
Maureen Byrnes
Clinical Assistant Professor
Seton Hall University-College of Nursing
Competency Categories:
Evidence-Based Practice, Informatics, Patient-Centered Care, Quality Improvement, Safety, Teamwork and Collaboration
Learner Level(s):
Pre-Licensure ADN/Diploma, Pre-Licensure BSN
Learner Setting(s):
Strategy Type:
General Strategy
Learning Objectives:
"A Conceptual Model of QSEN" has been developed to assist the pre-licensure nursing student in developing 'Information Fluency' regarding QSEN. Strategy overview: A copy of the conceptual model of qsen is attached as Strategy Material: File 1. The use of a visual conceptualization of QSEN can be especially important by allowing students to see the relationship of the QSEN elements. Such a visual model is so important to help in the learning process. This model is offered to facilitate and constantly reinforce quality & safety education for pre-licensure nursing students, demystifying the QSEN initiative while enabling the student to understand the competency domains quite quickly. It is not a process reserved for intellectuals, but rather a cognitive process that puts together all the pieces to form the concept of QSEN.
Strategy Overview:
A copy of the conceptual model of qsen is attached as Strategy Material: File 1. The use of a visual conceptualization of QSEN can be especially important by allowing students to see the relationship of the QSEN elements. Such a visual model is so important to help in the learning process. This model is offered to facilitate and constantly reinforce quality & safety education for pre-licensure nursing students, demystifying the QSEN initiative while enabling the student to understand the competency domains quite quickly. It is not a process reserved for intellectuals, but rather a cognitive process that puts together all the pieces to form the concept of QSEN.
Submitted Materials:

Additional Materials:
The author grants permission to use A Conceptual Model of QSEN, with proper citation.
Evaluation Description:
The Conceptual Model of QSEN could be used to facilitate Information Fluency for the pre-licensure nursing student in a number of ways. The focus on developing the students' ability to identify, find, understand, evaluate and use information is open to a wide variety of applications. This includes accessing information effectively and efficiently and can be accomplished by utilizing the attached conceptual model within directed class discussion. Information Fluency does not lend itself particularly well to exams or texts, but knowledge level assessments can be developed by nursing faculty and applied creatively, expecially with pre-clinical nursing students. Students will gain the ability to incorporate QSEN information and develop their own analysis and understanding, as well as develop their own research processes and stategies thereby evidencing Information Fluency.