Strategy Submission
Promoting Safety in an Unfolding Simulated Public Health Disaster
Agnes M. Morrison
Simulation Coordinator
Ana Maria Catanzaro, PhD, RN
La Salle University
Competency Categories:
Evidence-Based Practice, Informatics, Patient-Centered Care, Safety, Teamwork and Collaboration
Learner Level(s):
Pre-Licensure BSN
Learner Setting(s):
Skills or Simulation Laboratories
Strategy Type:
General Strategy
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize signs and symptoms of an infectious disease outbreak.
- Identify essential assessment parameters for mass causalities during a gastrointestinal infectious disease outbreak.
- Identify essential assessment parameters for mass causalities during a respiratory infectious disease outbreak.
- Participate effectively in an interdisciplinary team during a simulated infectious disease outbreak.
- Apply appropriate infectious control standards and safe care during a simulated infectious disease outbreak.
- Demonstrate correct nursing actions to safely administer an intravenous antibiotic via a Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter using SAS protocol (Saline, Additive, Saline) procedure.
Strategy Overview:
Nursing laboratory sugar daddy website NYC simulation – Simulated infectious disease outbreak at an sugar daddy website NYC urban sugar daddy website NYC high school unfolds as the school nurse is performing a high-risk, low-frequency procedure. In the simulated health office, the school nurse is in the process of administering an intravenous antibiotic via a Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) to a student with Lyme Disease when a large number of sick students and staff arrive at the health office.
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Additional Materials:
Evaluation Description: