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Strategy Submission
Vaccination Think, Pair, Share Activity
Brittany Lawson
Lakeview College of Nursing
Competency Categories:
Informatics, Patient-Centered Care
Learner Level(s):
Pre-Licensure ADN/Diploma, Pre-Licensure BSN
Learner Setting(s):
Strategy Type:
Case Studies
Learning Objectives:
Patient-Centered Care
The learner will identify appropriate vaccinations for administration based on individual client data.
The learner will select appropriate client education related to the administration of vaccinations.
The learner will discuss the benefits and limitations of using the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) website to access information for vaccination schedules and client education.
The learner will value the use of evidence-based practice sources of information to assist in the delivery of care.
Use information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision making.
The learner will identify appropriate vaccinations for administration based on individual client data.
The learner will select appropriate client education related to the administration of vaccinations.
The learner will discuss the benefits and limitations of using the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) website to access information for vaccination schedules and client education.
The learner will value the use of evidence-based practice sources of information to assist in the delivery of care.
Strategy Overview:
The think, pair, share learning activity allows students to identify appropriate vaccinations by utilizing high-quality sources of information, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website. Four case studies are included within the activity to distribute to students. The case studies provide scenarios of clients in need of a vaccination. By using the CDC website students will get experience in navigating this high-quality source of vaccination scheduling and client education information. Debriefing questions are provided that allow the student to reflect upon the experience.
This learning activity can be adapted to the online learning environment.
Submitted Materials:
318.-Vaccinations-Think-Pair-Share-Activity.docx -
Additional Materials:
Evaluation Description:
The facilitating educator will formatively evaluate the student’s learning throughout the activity and during the debriefing process. Active facilitation of each group’s progress on the case will provide the educator with evaluation data as well. The educator will encourage all students to participate in the debriefing to facilitate learning, reflection, and student evaluation. Students should be provided with feedback throughout the learning activity from the educator and their peers. Alternatively, the debriefing questions can be submitted as a discussion board or written assignment.
Many of the students that participated in this activity reported that they preferred this active learning method for immunization schedules and education over a more passive approach (such as lectures or handouts). Students that participated in this activity expressed that this activity helped them develop a greater appreciation for the use of high-quality information sources and their impact on nursing care. Students that participated in this activity expressed an increased level of confidence in identifying appropriate immunizations for clients.
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